Jumat, 01 Juni 2018

5 Resep Masakan Hidangan Lebaran Paling Populer2

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Kedua, Resep Opor Ayam Lebaran Kuah Sedap

Resep Opor Ayam Lebaran Kuah Sedap
Opor ayam dengan kuah rempah yang sedap merupakan pasangan yang tepat sehingga masuk ke dalam ke 5 resep masakan hidangan lebaran. Berikut Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Opor Ayam Lebarannya.

Bahan-bahan Bumbu Opor :

  • Daging ayam ukuran besar 1 ekor
  • Air jeruk nipis secukupnya (digunakan untuk menghilangkan bau amis)
  • Kemiri 3 butir
  • Bawang putih 3 siung
  • Bawang merah 8 siung
  • Jahe 1 ruas
  • Kencur 1 ruas
  • Lada (merica) secukupnya
  • Daun jeruk 2 lembar
  • Sereh di keprek 1 batang
  • Terasi secukupnya (jika suka)
  • Kelapa parut 1 butir
  • Air 1 liter
  • Gula pasir secukupnya
  • Garam secukupnya
  • Minyak goreng secukupnya (digunakan untuk menggoreng ayam)

Cara Membuat Opor Ayam Lebaran :

  1. Langkah awal cuci bersih ayam lalu potong menjadi 20 potong. Beri garam dan jeruk nipis. Biarkan sampai 5 menit, cuci kembali ayam. Kemudian goreng ayam setengah matang, sisihkan.
  2. Selanjutnya bakar kemiri, kunyit, jahe dan terasi, sisihkan.
  3. Blender atau ulek bawang merah, bawang putih dan bumbu yang dibakar tadi hingga halus. Sisihkan.
  4. Siapkan santan dari kelapa parut yang dicampur dengan 1 liter air. Sisihkan.
  5. Selanjutnya panaskan sedikit minyak goreng, tumis bumbu yang dihaluskan tadi hingga tercium aroma wangi sedap, masukkan santan dan ayam, aduk sebentar. Lalu beri garam, gula pasir, daun jeruk dan sereh. Cicipi rasanya, silahkan tambahkan bila dirasa ada yang kurang.
  6. Masak terus sampai air santannya sedikit menyusut. Angkat.
  7. Sajikan opor ayam dengan diberi taburan bawang merah goreng diatasnya serta sambal goreng cabai merah pedas atau tumbukan kacang tanah goreng lengkap dengan kerupuk udang sebagai bahan pelengkapnya. Nyammm!!

Getting Online Auto Insurance Quotes
Are you searching for better auto insurance rates? Are you tired of feeling as though you're overpaying despite your spotless driving record? If so, it's about time you started shopping around for the best auto insurance rates from a new auto insurance company. Thanks to the web, motorists are no longer limited to dealing exclusively with local agents and hoping for the best deal. Instead, the internet has opened a new door for those who are looking to compare auto insurance rates and get the best value for their money.

When shopping online, the process of choosing an auto insurance company is a bit more involved than simply asking your neighbor which local agent he/she deals with. When you shop online, you may be required to do a bit more footwork on researching the auto insurance company, but the end results can pay off in a very big way. The best way to find a respectable auto insurance company is to research their history, learn about their policies and how long they have been in business, check their reputation with the Better Business Bureau and request a free auto insurance quote.

What is the most common way that an auto insurance company could compete for your business? By offering the lowest auto insurance rates, correct? If you said yes, then getting auto insurance online may be the way to go. Because there's so much more competition online, companies must work harder to get your business. In most cases, you can complete a request for a free auto insurance quote online in a matter of minutes. Depending on the auto insurance company, the number of requests and day of the week, it may take hours or several days to receive a response. The best part, however, is that you can shop from a nation of auto insurance companies with the click of a button and never even have to step out your front door.

Free auto insurance quotes online are very valuable for any number of reasons, including the obvious fact that they cost you absolutely nothing. Not to mention, the option is very convenient for someone who lives in a rural location and perhaps isn't close enough to visit several auto insurance companies or doesn't have the access to a great number of companies because of the fact that they reside in a small town. Where there's less competition, the prices are higher. But the internet has changed the face of competition by bringing a variety of options to those who either enjoy the convenience that the world wide web can offer or those who need the competitive pricing that simply isn't available in their area. Whether you are shopping for Pennsylvania auto insurance, New York auto insurance, Florida auto insurance, Arizona auto insurance, California auto insurance or anywhere in between, you can search for discount auto insurance rates from the comfort of your favorite recliner.

The information in this article is provided for reference purposes only. It should not be used as, in place of or in conjunction with professional financial or insurance advice relating to auto insurance quotes, discount auto insurance or auto insurance rates. For additional information or to receive an auto insurance quote, contact a local auto insurance company.

Andrew Daigle owns and operates many successful websites including Free Auto Insurance Quotes, for finding the lowest auto insurance rates [http://www.auto-insurance-quotes-cheap.com] and a Low Loan Rates site for finding the lowest personal loans [http://www.personal-payday-student-loans.com], payday loans, student loans and more for your financial needs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/757526

re you searching for better auto insurance rates? Are you tired of feeling as though you're overpaying despite your spotless driving record? If so, it's about time you started shopping around for the best auto insurance rates from a new auto insurance company. Thanks to the web, motorists are no longer limited to dealing exclusively with local agents and hoping for the best deal. Instead, the internet has opened a new door for those who are looking to compare auto insurance rates and get the best value for their money.

When shopping online, the process of choosing an auto insurance company is a bit more involved than simply asking your neighbor which local agent he/she deals with. When you shop online, you may be required to do a bit more footwork on researching the auto insurance company, but the end results can pay off in a very big way. The best way to find a respectable auto insurance company is to research their history, learn about their policies and how long they have been in business, check their reputation with the Better Business Bureau and request a free auto insurance quote.

What is the most common way that an auto insurance company could compete for your business? By offering the lowest auto insurance rates, correct? If you said yes, then getting auto insurance online may be the way to go. Because there's so much more competition online, companies must work harder to get your business. In most cases, you can complete a request for a free auto insurance quote online in a matter of minutes. Depending on the auto insurance company, the number of requests and day of the week, it may take hours or several days to receive a response. The best part, however, is that you can shop from a nation of auto insurance companies with the click of a button and never even have to step out your front door.

Free auto insurance quotes online are very valuable for any number of reasons, including the obvious fact that they cost you absolutely nothing. Not to mention, the option is very convenient for someone who lives in a rural location and perhaps isn't close enough to visit several auto insurance companies or doesn't have the access to a great number of companies because of the fact that they reside in a small town. Where there's less competition, the prices are higher. But the internet has changed the face of competition by bringing a variety of options to those who either enjoy the convenience that the world wide web can offer or those who need the competitive pricing that simply isn't available in their area. Whether you are shopping for Pennsylvania auto insurance, New York auto insurance, Florida auto insurance, Arizona auto insurance, California auto insurance or anywhere in between, you can search for discount auto insurance rates from the comfort of your favorite recliner.

The information in this article is provided for reference purposes only. It should not be used as, in place of or in conjunction with professional financial or insurance advice relating to auto insurance quotes, discount auto insurance or auto insurance rates. For additional information or to receive an auto insurance quote, contact a local auto insurance company.

Andrew Daigle owns and operates many successful websites including Free Auto Insurance Quotes, for finding the lowest auto insurance rates [http://www.auto-

Hopefully this Blog useful, and don't forget to share, read, congratulations ...
